Mary Figueroa
Energy Healer & Life Coach
After 30 years of career in manufacturing, Mary decided to follow her dream of being an energy healer and took on early retirement. Since then she received training in many different modalities, including dahn healer school & holistic yoga, raindrop technique, four directions, pranic healing, holistic healing meditation and shamanic practitioner certification, and has been practicing as energy healer for the past 5 years and recently certified as a life coach.
She did not like math at high school, then she thought she was pregnant, causing her to drop out of high school, she agreed to marry her boyfriend and found a job to start a family at 17 years old. Going through a divorce after 35 years of marriage, Mary feels at home being a healer & coach. Her clients ranges from young children to seniors, the oldest client of 96 years old with conditions including arthritis, injuries, relationship healing and stress.

Redeemable for Energy Healing / Life Coaching Sessions with Mary
Contact Mary by text at (512) 954-2183 for more information.